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CAADS WEBINAR: Reframing the Roles of Leaders and Front-Line Staff to Strengthen Employee Retention & Engagement

Wednesday, August 24, 2022
2:00 pm3:15 pm

30 years ago, the “culture change” movement began to overcome the 3 Plagues of people living in nursing
homes…Helplessness, Loneliness, and Boredom. The paradigm shift in this movement was in prioritizing the
elders’ living experiences and well-being and reframing the perspective of employees’ roles in achieving that
outcome. Today, these same 3 plagues exist with the people in the workforce, which are negatively impacting
employee retention and engagement. To overcome this, leaders must make another paradigm shift, this time
in prioritizing their employees’ working experiences and well-being and reframing the perspective of their role
as a leader in achieving that outcome.

Learning Objectives
In this session, participants will:
1. Understand how the 3 Plagues of Helplessness, Loneliness and Boredom are impacting staff, resulting in employee disengagement and the current staffing crisis.
2. Learn how to become Shepherd Leaders to harness their employees’ collective genius & inspire them to become “citizens” by taking an active role in caring for & supporting their participants & each other.
3. Learn high-impact actions they can take to meet the 5 critical needs of their employees in order to strengthen retention and engagement.

Key Components of Session
• 3 Primary Practices of a Shepherd Leader
o Know Your People
 Knowing who your employees are, not just what they do.
 Knowing what your employees need to be successful & engaged in their jobs.
o Create a Safe Workplace
 Defining expectations, providing training & resources, & communicating effectively.
 Creating a workplace environment where employees are able to build relationships with each other.
o Care for Your People
 Coming beside your employees to support, protect, advocate & encourage them.
 Leveraging your employees’ strengths and aligning their work with your organization’s mission, values and outcomes.

• 3 High-Impact Actions to Meet Employees’ Critical Needs
o Connect
 Creating opportunities for leaders to connect with direct reports & for employees to connect with each other.
o Collaborate
 Creating opportunities for employees to engage in decision-making processes in their work.
o Celebrate
 Celebrating individual & team efforts and accomplishments to reinforce the organization’s mission, create a sense of community, & inspire people to grow.

Bruce Berlin, Founder and Chief Experience Officer, Prioriteams

With over 35 years of leadership experience as a learner, trainer, and practitioner in the hotel and senior living industries, Bruce has successfully led organizations to develop and refine employee experiences and cultures that have resulted in high levels of customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and profitability.

Bruce founded Prioriteams because of his passion for equipping and encouraging leaders to build healthy workplace cultures where employees passionately serve their customers and each other.

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