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We Count on Your Contributions

CAADS Donate State Advocacy Fund


CAADS | State Advocacy Fund

Your donation to CAADS State Advocacy Fund enables CAADS’ advocacy efforts to succeed in keeping programs viable and visible to state, federal, and local policymakers.


These huge accomplishments prove that effective advocacy is a year-round team effort coordinated by CAADS and relies on both skilled lobbyists and grassroots efforts.
Membership dues alone do not fully cover the costs of lobbying and managed care advocacy. That is why each year we ask for monetary donations to sustain advocacy efforts that lead to budget and legislative "wins." momentum going. Our work continues. 
This hard-fought-for rate increase is not a sure bet given the ongoing budget deficit. CAADS will continue to advocate for this to happen as promised and has begun planning for 2025 with a strong team of lobbyists and leadership.

(Please note, donations to CAADS State Advocacy Fund are not tax deductible.)


Pay by Check

1. Complete the Advocacy Pledge Remittance Form: FILL-IN | WRITE-ON

2. Return the completed form with your check payable to CAADS to:


1107 9th Street, Suite 701

Sacramento, CA  95814-3610

Pay by Credit Card Offline

1. Complete the Advocacy Pledge Remittance Form: FILL-IN | WRITE-ON

2. Return the completed form via email to
    or fax it to (866) 725.3123