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COVID-19 Return-to-Work Strategies – A Legal Perspective

Monday, May 24, 2021
10:30 am12:00 pm

Many workplaces have started opening up. All employers should evaluate their current practices as COVID-19 releases its grip on the world, including:
• How to comply with applicable health and safety requirements for employees and visitors
• Distributing new policies and other employee communications regarding the new “normal,” and the benefits available to them, including the new California sick leave
• How to address employees who want to remain 100% teleworkers
• Strategies for encouraging a smooth transition while still recognizing individual employee needs

Melissa Whitehead, Of Counsel, Shaw Law Group
Melissa Whitehead’s practice primarily focuses on providing advice and counsel to employers, conducting impartial workplace investigations, and providing substantive training to employers and HR professionals. She also represents clients before administrative agencies on a wide variety of employment matters, including wrongful termination, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, wage and hour, FEHA/EEOC claims.
An experienced investigator, Melissa regularly conducts impartial workplace investigations involving complex issues, including claims of sexual harassment, hostile work environment, racial discrimination, and retaliation. Melissa’s expertise in this area is appreciated by public and private sector employers.
Among Melissa’s other passions, she relishes training employees of all levels on topics such as EEO compliance, effectively managing accommodations, and the legal implications of COVID-19. Her humor and real-life case studies bring these subjects to life and keep participants engaged.

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