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Application Process

CAADS Membership Application Process

Instructions for Completing the Membership Application

Please read all instructions carefully. If using the FILL IN form, please print clearly or type. Incomplete applications will be returned unprocessed.

First, use the Join tab to determine what category of membership will apply to your organization.
Next, from that page download the appropriate supporting documents.
Finally, return to this page to help answer questions you may encounter.

To apply for membership, please complete the Application for Membership(FILL IN) and submit it to the CAADS office, along with all required attachments and your dues payment, or use our new ONLINE APPLICATION.

DUES ARE PRORATED (adjusted throughout the year)
According to when you join, dues will be 100%, 80%, 60%, or 50% of the Annual Dues Rate. Please refer to the Prorated Dues section below to determine your initial dues obligation. (NOTE: Proration rates do not apply to the Strategic Partner Membership level.)

To schedule dues payments, please complete the CAADS Dues Payment Plan Policy and Agreement Form and submit it with your first payment. Please note there is a $20 processing fee, per Payment Plan installment. (NOTE: Payment Plans are not offered to the Strategic Partner Membership level.)

Membership applications are reviewed monthly by the CAADS Membership Committee. Once approved, the applicant will receive a letter, membership certificate, and a confidential User Name and Password for access to the CAADS Connect Portal and Members Only section of the CAADS Website.

Should the application be declined by the Membership Committee, notification to the applicant will be made by email and a refund issued.

There are three ways to make a payment:

ONLINE APPLICATION with the option to pay by credit card or print the invoice and submit it with a check or payment Remittance Slip* to be processed by CAADS staff upon receipt.

Please make check payable to CAADS, and mail it to:

                CAADS, 1107 9th Street, Suite 701, Sacramento, CA 95814-3610

CAADS accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.

*A payment Remittance Slip is on the 3rd page of the FILL IN application.
**CAADS charges a $50 processing fee for returned checks.


CAADS members pledge to uphold the highest quality standards. Members agree to abide by the Bylaws, Code of Ethics, Anti-Trust Policy and Compliance Guidelines, and other policies of CAADS including decisions of the Ethics Committee, Membership Committee, and other duly constituted CAADS committees.


CAADS' membership year is from January 1 to December 31. New Members pay dues according to when they join:

*Prorations do not apply to the Strategic Partner Membership level.

Application with Payment Received Payment
January | February 100% of current year's annual dues rate
March | April 80% of current year's annual dues rate
May | June 60% of current year's annual dues rate
July | August | September 50% of current year's annual dues rate
October | November | December 100% of next year's annual dues at current year's annual dues rate; remainder of current membership year is FREE!