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CAADS Webinar: Participant Appeals: Protecting Participant Access to ERS

Thursday, March 23, 2023
2:30 pm4:00 pm
CAADS Webinar Save-the-Date March 23 2023

While Emergency Remote Services (ERS) has been shown to be an effective tool, misinterpretation of state policies for ERS has resulted in inappropriate denials of the benefit, leading to the need for appeals.

This must-attend webinar, hosted by CAADS’ Interim Executive Director Lydia Missaelides and Bay Area Legal Aid Senior Attorney Krista Granen, will focus on upholding participants’ rights through the State Hearing process. We’ll share how center staff can be designated the authorized representative to request State Hearings on behalf of participants denied their rightful benefits. You’ll learn to prepare a powerful position statement; what results to expect; and how State Hearings differ from internal appeals to Managed Care Plans.

Protecting participant access to ERS is essential. Join us for this important discussion!

Krista R. Granen, Senior Attorney, Health Consumer Center, Bay Area Legal Aid
Krista Granen is a graduate of the University of California, College of the Law, San Francisco (formerly known as UC Hastings). She is a Senior Attorney with Bay Area Legal Aid’s Health Consumer Center and has been practicing health law since September 2016. Prior to this, she was a Borchard Fellow with Bay Area Legal Aid’s Santa Clara County Regional Office, specializing in helping older adults in the areas of public benefits and

CAADS MEMBERS: No Charge (A benefit of membership!) Use the link emailed to you on March 8, 2023 titled "CAADS Webinar - Participant Appeals: Protecting Participant Access to ERS"

NON-MEMBERS: $199 per registration