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WEBINAR | Adult Day Services, Part Two: Self Care: Taking Care of YOU!

Thursday, January 16, 2020
2:30 pm CST4:00 pm CST

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM (Pacific) | HOST: CAADS
FEE: Members None | REGISTER | Non-Members $25 | Registration form: FILL IN :: WRITE-ON

In CAADS’ December installment of this webinar series on Caregiving, we heard from Dr. Benton on how centers could help families and communities master the challenges of caring for older adults with brain impairing conditions and/or adults with multiple health concerns. During the second installment of this webinar series on Caregiving, Dr. Benton will be speaking to you about Self-Care in Adult Day Services, and you will learn about how to take care of YOU. As caregivers we often forget that if our glass is empty we can't share with others. In this webinar we will learn how to identify signs of stress and burnout, methods of prevention and interventions and resources to help you maintain a positive, caring attitude.

At the end of this webinar, attendee will be able to:

  • Describe 3 common stress indicators
  • Use one intervention for stress relief
  • Explain when stress can be positive

Center leaders and staff

Donna Benton, PhD, is a Research Associate Professor of Gerontology at the USC Davis School of Gerontology. She received her graduate training in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology and was a Gero-psychological postdoctoral fellow at USC /Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center. She is also a licensed clinical psychologist. Her publications focus on research in elder abuse and minority caregiving. In addition to her academic experience, Dr. Benton was also an Adult Day Care Center program manager and has first-hand knowledge of the field of adult day services.

Since 1989, the USC Family Caregiver Support Center at USC Davis School has placed a high priority on providing support across the continuum of caregiving, including diagnosis, prognosis, services that help maintain the care recipient’s independence and abilities, helping caregivers care for themselves, and manage their own well-being.