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Addressing the Needs of Older & Disabled Adults in Rural Communities: Findings From the California Rural Master Plan for Aging Initiative

Wednesday, December 6, 2023
10:00 am11:30 am
CCLTSS Save the Date Banner

In January 2022, The SCAN Foundation provided support to three advocacy coalitions to develop local Master Plans for Aging with a focus on addressing the unique challenges of aging in rural communities. Over a process of two years, the following coalitions led planning efforts across three regions (covering seven counties) across California:

• Diversability Action Network (DAN) - Shasta/ Butte/ Glenn Counties
• Central Valley LTSS Coalition - Kings/ Tulare Counties
• Inland Coalition on Aging - San Bernardino/ Riverside Counties

As the current scope of the project nears an end, the three regions will convene to share selected findings from their needs assessment pertaining to housing, transportation, healthcare access, and resource awareness; regional recommendations for program and policy implementation; lessons learned; and next steps for the regions.

Register and join us on December 6 to learn about unique needs and recommendations to improve the quality of life for older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers in rural regions of California, as well as glean lessons learned from this initiative to apply to your own community planning efforts.