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CDA & DHCS Webinar: Medicare Coverage Choices in California

Wednesday, October 11, 2023
1:00 pm2:00 pm
DHCS logo 2023

On October 11 at 1 p.m., the Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS) and the California Department of Aging (CDA) will jointly host a webinar titled, "Navigating Medicare Coverage Choices in California, Including Medicare Advantage Supplemental Benefits" (advance registration required). Presenters will include Stephanie Fajuri from the Center for Health Care Rights, an expert in Medicare choices for consumers, and Nils Franco from ATI Advisory, a lead analyst for the review of Medicare Advantage Plan supplemental benefits in California.

The webinar will share helpful information for consumers, families, health care providers, and the public policy community. It will include a presentation and question and answer session on Medicare coverage choices for consumers during the Medicare Open Enrollment period from October 15 to December 7, as well as highlights from a newly released DHCS chartbook on supplemental benefits in Medicare Advantage Plans in California for contract year 2023.

Medicare Advantage plans offer a variety of supplemental benefits. The new chartbook examines these supplemental benefits in California to provide insight into the opportunities they may offer to support the state’s growing Medicare population. Variations in supplemental benefit offerings show how Medicare Advantage plans can be designed differently to influence access to key supports for California Medicare beneficiaries.

Chartbook development was funded by The SCAN Foundation to support DHCS’ Office of Medicare Innovation and Integration (OMII). The chartbook is part of a series of chartbooks available on the DHCS OMII webpage. For questions or comments, please email