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NADSA Webinar: Mental Health & Older Adults

Wednesday, July 26, 2023
10:00 am11:00 am
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NADSA Members: $69
Non-members: $99

As people age, they may experience certain life changes that impact their mental health, such as coping with a serious illness or losing a loved one. Although many people will adjust to these life changes, some may experience feelings of grief, social isolation, or loneliness. When these feelings persist, they can lead to diagnosable illnesses, such as clinical depression or anxiety. Mental health is important at all stages of life, but there is still a strong mental health stigma among older adults.
Topics addressed in this webinar include:

• What is a mental illness and what is mental health?
• Statistics and information regarding the prevalence of mental health issues
• Suicide and prevention efforts among older adults
• Accessing mental health resources for older adults
• Building mental fortitude and resiliency.

Presenter: Tom Starling, Ed.D., leads state and national advocacy efforts for Rogers Behavioral Health, a 116-year-old mental health treatment center with 21 clinics in 10 states. Before serving as Rogers’ Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships, Starling was an Administrator of Tennessee’s largest retirement community, CEO of the MidSouth Alzheimer’s Association, CEO of a local United Way, and CEO of Mental Health America of the MidSouth. He also served a 2-year term as board chair of the national Mental Health America organization near D.C. Starling holds degrees from Baylor, Southwestern Baptist Seminary, Vanderbilt University, and Tennessee State University.

Webinars will be recorded and attendees will receive both the audio recording as well as a copy of the presentation.