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NADSA WEBINAR: What’s Language Got To Do With It?

Wednesday, June 22, 2022
10:00 am11:00 am

This two-part workshop will focus on both the importance of words, their origin and most important, their impact on the participants served in your ADS center.

Session 1: Our words have the power to uplift people, but they also can tear them down. Sometimes without us even realizing it. Language is a window into how we perceive and ultimately interact with the people who use our services. By become more aware of our language, and intentionally focusing on personalizing our language, we can ensure that our word choices empower those we serve. This presentation will provide both an understanding of how language influences and is influenced by our behavior, as well as practical strategies to better personalize your own language.

Session 2: We didn’t get here on our own. Language is an ever-changing method of communication that evolves within the systems and people who use it. Now, through a historical lens, we are aware of the harmful and dehumanizing impact the medical model has had on people with disabilities. Unfortunately, some of the language of this model continues to permeate the work we do. This presentation intends to examine this history, the impact it has had on the lives of those we serve, and how we can strive as a community to change our language.

Learning Objectives:

Objective 1: Attendees will deepen their understanding of how the language in our services evolves, and the impact this has on the lives of the people we serve.
Objective 2: Attendees will learn strategies to become more self-aware of our word choices, and how to incorporate more empowering person-centered language in the services we provide.
Objective 3: Attendees will leave with practical ideas that can be adapted and implemented within any team and/or service.

About the presenter: Amber Carey-Navarrete, Director of Person-Centered Services, has demonstrated a person-centered approach to her work with Easterseals Southern California for 20 years. Amber is considered the resident expert of person-centered services across all of the Easterseals Southern California’s Adult Day Services. She has been tasked with leading the agency’s strategic priority of enhancing existing person-centered practices as well as implementing new person-centered practices throughout all Adult Day Services in the organization. She has authored a manual on Person-Centered Culture and Practices, and leads a department in facilitating this approach. Presently, Amber is the lead agent for Easterseals on a statewide Disability Thrive Initiative in California. Funded by the Department of Developmental Services and San Diego Regional Center, the DTI was created to assist the stakeholder community with alternative services during the pandemic through the calendar year 2021.