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CMCS Webinar: HCBS Settings Rule Implementation: A National Conversation about Statewide Transition Plans

Wednesday, March 9, 2022
10:30 am12:00 pm

The Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings rule was effective on March 17, 2014. To meet the compliance date of March 17, 2023 for this rule, states are required to submit for CMS review their Statewide Transition Plans that act as roadmaps for implementation. As we close in on the final year of the transition period, CMS will provide reminders of Statewide Transition Plan role and content, along with tips on how to leverage these Plans in ensuring ongoing compliance.

Following the presentation, webinar participants will have the opportunity to share any questions, comments, experiences, or suggestions with CMS and the presenter.

Register here:

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