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SCDD Zoom: Register Today for the August Self-Advocacy Chat

Wednesday, August 18, 2021
11:00 am12:00 pm

The California State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) invites you to join the next monthly California Statewide Self-Advocacy Chat. There is a total of 12 California Statewide Self-Advocacy Chats planned for 2021, and SCDD encourages those who are interested to join in the conversation!

What/Why: The “California Statewide Self-Advocacy Chats” are intended to give self-advocates throughout California the chance to talk about topics that matter to them. Resources and information on chat topic(s) will be shared with participants in an email following the chats.

When: The third Wednesday of each month.
The August 2021 California Statewide Self-Advocacy Chat will be held on Wednesday, August 18th @ 11:00 A.M.

This month’s topic: Benefits of Supported Decision Making

With the help of a self-advocate educator, the August Statewide Self-Advocacy Chat will provide advocates with the opportunity to learn more about Supported Decision Making (SDM). In preparation for the August Chat, advocates are encouraged to share any questions they might have about Supported Decision Making. Also, here are some questions to think about for this month’s Chat:
1. How do you make decisions?
2. What does supported decision making mean for the disability rights movement?
3. Do you see yourself sharing information about supported decision making with your friends, family or communities?

This month’s Chat will be facilitated by Riana Hardin, Self-Advocacy Coordinator for the California State Council on Developmental Disabilities.
If you are interested in sharing your advocacy story, need accommodations, and/or have questions related to the California Statewide Self-Advocacy Chats, please email or call 916-263-8196.

Zoom session details and registration:
Meeting ID: 961 9651 9177
Passcode: 882136
Toll-Free Number: 888-475-4499

***Feel free to share this announcement with your advocacy networks.***