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CDA Aging Hubs Initiative: Stakeholder Engagement Kick-off Webinar

Thursday, July 8, 2021
3:30 pm5:00 pm

COVID–19 made it more apparent than ever that all California adults and families need easy access to a strong network of aging and disability services to support home and community living as we age. In support of this vision, the Governor’s Master Plan for Aging committed to bold goals and renewed leadership to an age- and disability friendly state, including Initiatives 98 and 101:
• Build out No Wrong Door statewide for public information and assistance on aging and disability
• Revisit California’s Area Aging on Agency local leadership structures to meet the growing and changing needs and to advance equity.
Revisit California’s Area Aging on Agency local leadership structures to meet the growing and changing needs and advance equity. Now, with unprecedented resources proposed at the state and federal level for home and community living as we age, there’s a historic opportunity in aging and adult services to “build back better.” To advance these initiatives on leadership in aging together, CDA invites you to our stakeholder engagement kick-off to identify successes, needs, and strategies. During this initial conversation, we plan to discuss:
• Proposed vision for a robust network of strong aging “hubs” in every community that are easy to access and that connect to a range of services for home and community living
• Stakeholder engagement opportunities (July-October), including public surveys, regional virtual town halls, webinars on best practices, and more, to share your vision for aging and adult services in your community
• Planned CDA Briefing to share back learnings and findings (December)
• Preview of possible next steps into 2022

What: CDA Aging Hubs Initiative - Stakeholder Engagement Kick-off

When: July 8th, 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Where: Join via webinar (Zoom)
Or by phone: 1 (877) 853-5247 or 1 (888) 788-0099
Webinar ID: 915 3018 4954
Passcode: 211908

Closed captioning and American Sign Language interpreting will be provided.

Your participation is essential to building robust and resilient aging hubs in every community and a California for all Ages. We hope to see you there!

In partnership,
Kim McCoy Wade