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CDA's Older Americans Act State Plan Public Hearings: Virtual Hearing #2

Thursday, April 29, 2021
9:00 am10:30 am

The California Department of Aging (CDA) is developing California's next Older Americans Act (OAA) State Plan and is seeking robust and diverse public input on the plan through upcoming remote hearings and online surveys. All information about the OAA State Plan is posted on our website.

California’s OAA State Plan for 2021-2025 will guide the Older Americans Act programs and funding and will align CDA’s OAA goals with Area Plans submitted by the 33 Area Agencies on Aging, the Governor’s Master Plan for Aging, and CDA’s Strategic Plan. OAA State Plans are due from CDA, as California’s designated unit on aging, to the Administration for Community Living every four years. The plan currently in development will be effective from October 1, 2021 through 2025. The OAA State Plan draft report and a summary power point are posted on the webpage, for public review.

CDA, in partnership with the California Commission on Aging (CCoA), will hold two virtual public hearings and offer a survey and email box during April to gather input on the draft 2021-25 Older Americans Act State Plan. CDA and CCoA are interested in receiving input from older adults, people with disabilities, family and friend caregivers, and agencies, advocates, and allies that work with these individuals, as well as the general public. Please share this information with your networks, so a broad range of public comment can be provided and incorporated into the final OAA plan.

There are three ways to provide your comments:
• Provide input during one of the two public hearings (the two hearings will cover the same information) – information below
• Send your input via this short survey (link below)
• Email questions and comments to

Virtual Hearing #2
Thursday, April 29, 9:00 am to 10:30 am
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device:
• Please click this URL link to join.
• Passcode: 395242

Or join by phone (toll free)
• 888-788-0099
• Webinar ID: 987 7869 3882
• Passcode: 395242