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TAS Training CDA CBAS TAS Training on September 24, 2020 – Webinar Recording and Slides Are Now Available

Thursday, September 24, 2020

TAS Training

CDA CBAS TAS Training on September 24, 2020 – Webinar
Recording and Slides Are Now Available

The CDA CBAS Branch provided a webinar training “CBAS Temporary Alternative
Services (TAS) Updates” on September 24, 2020, 1:30-3:00pm. Training topics
included the following:

CBAS TAS staffing, services, and documentation requirements
CDA telesurvey and monitoring findings
Provider best practices and guidance
The webinar recording and slides are posted on CDA’s website.

We encourage all providers and their staff to view the training for this important
information. Training is a requirement for CBAS certification. It is essential that all
CBAS providers understand CBAS TAS policies and how to translate them into
practice in these unprecedented times.

CBAS training requirements including a sample training documentation form and
other training resources are also located on the CDA website in the Center
Assessment Tools section.