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ALEwebtalk Part 8: Really Listening Is Needed Now More Than Ever

Wednesday, August 12, 2020
10:30 am12:00 pm

Join us for this action oriented webinar to learn from an experienced panel of Adult Day Health Care Licensed Clinical Social Workers why empathetic and deep listening during this time of remote services is more critical than ever before. The coronavirus has reshaped how services are delivered to adult day services participants and caregivers in unexpected ways. Invite your team members to learn how to sharpen or develop effective listening skills and apply it to your daily work and life. This is designed for all team members! We will provide a case example and there will be time for questions and discussion. We will also discuss some benefits to remote services that may surprise you.

Lydia Missaelides, MHA ,Executive Director, Alliance for Leadership and Education
Provider Panel:
Jennifer Hurlow Paonessa, LCSW, Neighborhood House ADHCC
Diane Puckett, Peg Taylor Center for ADHC
Lena Haroutunian, MSW, New Sunrise ADHC
Lois Sones, LCSW, Elderday Adult Day Health Care