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Reports & Studies


New Brief on Integrated Care Models for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries

DEC 17, 2015 | The SCAN Foundation | BRIEF

A new brief from the Center for Health Care Strategies describes key features and considerations for various integrated care models that states use to serve Medicare-Medicaid enrollees.


The Promise of Coordinated Care

DEC 17, 2015 | The SCAN Foundation

Two new success stories from Collaborative Consulting on the value of coordinated care:

A Place to Call Home - Josephine's story

Thriving and Contributing in Her Community - Karen's story


Wave 2 of Polling Results of California's Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees

DEC 17, 2015 | The SCAN Foundation

Field Research Corporation released its second wave of polling results surveying people enrolling in and opting out of Cal MediConnect (CMC). Findings show that CMC enrollees have continued satisfaction and confidence in their care.


Four New Reports Available from the 2014 National Study of Long Term Care Providers


The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) has four new reports available based on findings from the 2014 National Study of Long Term Care Providers:

Data Brief #224: “Variation in Operating Characteristics of Adult Day Services Centers, by Center Ownership: United States, 2014”

Data Brief #227: “Variation in Adult Day Services Center Participant Characteristics, by Center Ownership: United States, 2014”

All data briefs can be found at All data briefs have supplementary state estimate tables which can be found at

The data briefs and state tables use survey data from NCHS’ 2014 NSLTCP. NSLTCP provides reliable, accurate, relevant, and timely statistical information to support and inform long-term care services policy, research, and practice. More information about NSLTCP is available at


Regulatory Review of Adult Day Services

NOV 20, 2015 | US Dept of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) | Report authored by RTI International including Janet O'Keeffe, Christine O'Keeffe and Madhu Shresthra.

The US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) recently released a report on Adult Day Services. The Regulatory Review of Adult Day Services, 2014 Edition provides information about each state’s approach to regulating this key community service. Adult day services (ADS)--a non-residential service provided outside an individual’s home for less than a full day--provides direct care to older adults and younger adults with physical disabilities.


Health Care Costs 101: A Spending Plateau?

NOV 2015 | California HealthCare Foundation (CHF), California Health Care Almanac | REPORT

In 2013, national health expenditures increased just 3.6%, the lowest growth rate in 50 years and a continuation of the slow growth trend that began in 2009. See the latest Almanac report and updated data visualization.


Locally Sourced: The Crucial Role of Counties in the Health of Californians

How California counties provide health services for most vulnerable residents

OCT 2015 | California Healthcare Foundation | REPORT

California's 58 counties are core providers of health care services and public health programs. Counties are responsible for health services for low-income people without other coverage, oversee local mental health and substance use disorder programs, operate laboratories, and manage disease prevention and health promotion programs.

The latest edition of this report describes:

County health services and programs for medical care, behavioral health, and public health as of July 2015

Counties' core health responsibilities and the arrangements they use to meet them

State and federal policies affecting county programs (including some that are pending)


Directory Assistance: Maintaining Reliable Provider Directories for Health Plan Shoppers

SEP 2015 | California Healthcare Foundation | REPORT

With implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many consumers are making health coverage decisions for the first time. Many turn to provider directories — electronic or printed lists of physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers participating in each health plan. However maintaining accurate and up-to-date directories of participating providers has proved to be challenging.

A new report examines policy, operational, business, and technical obstacles to well-functioning, integrated provider directories and how they have been overcome in four states: Colorado, Maryland, New York, and Washington. It details the perspectives and experiences of consumer advocates, carriers, providers, state-based marketplaces, and state Medicaid agencies in those states. The report examines solutions with the goal of informing California policymakers and stakeholders as they seek to improve consumer access to accurate provider network information.


The CMS Equity Plan for Improving Quality in Medicare

SEP 14, 2015 | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health | FULL PLAN

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Equity Plan for Improving Quality in Medicare (CMS Equipty Plan for Medicare) provides an action-oriented, results-driven approach for advancing health equity by improving the quality of care provided to minority and other underserved Medicare beneficiaries. The plan aims to reduce health disparities in four years, and focuses on six priorities:

Priority 1: Expand the Collection, Reporting, and Analysis of Standardized Data

Priority 2: Evaluate Disparities Impacts and Integrate Equity Solutions Across CMS Programs

Priority 3: Develop and Disseminate Promising Approaches to Reduce Health Disparities

Priority 4: Increase the Ability of the Health Care Workforce to Meet the Needs of Vulnerable Populations

Priority 5: Improve Communication and Language Access for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency and Persons with Disabilities

Priority 6: Increase Physical Accessibility of Health Care Facilities


Initial Data from 2014 National Study of Long Term Care Providers

SEP 11, 2015 | National Adult Day Services Association (NADSA) | QUICKSTATS

In support of National Adult Day Services Week, the National Center for Health Statistics has released its first data from the 2014 National Study of Long Term Care Providers.

View QuickStats: Percentage of Adult Day Services Center Participants,* by Selected Diagnoses† — National Study of Long-Term Care Providers, United States, 2014 in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Los Angeles Healthy Aging Report 2015

SEP 2015 | USC Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging | REPORT

Health is the most important determinant of successful living at any age. However, not everyone has the same opportunities for a long life free from major afflictions. There are significant differences in the health status of the many communities in Los Angeles. These differences are reflected in higher rates of premature dealth and shorter lifespans for people of certain racial and ethnic bakgrounds who live in certain neighborhoods. The challenge of our time is to implement successful changes in the way we live so that all of us can benefit from longer, more productive, and healthier lives.


New Report -- Portrait of Promise: The California Statewide Plan to Promote Health and Mental Health Equity

AUG 28, 2015 | California Department of Public Health Office of Health Equity | REPORT

In this this document, the California Statewide Plan to Promote Health and Mental Health Equity (“Plan”), we present background and evidence on the root causes and consequences of health inequities in California. We explore and illustrate how a broad range of socioeconomic forces, including income security, education and child development, housing, transportation, health care access, environmental quality, and other factors, shape the health of entire communities — especially vulnerable and underserved communities — resulting in preventable health inequities for specific populations. With a better, data-based understanding of the causes and consequences of health inequities, Californians will be better prepared to take the steps necessary for promoting health across California’s diverse communities and building on the great strengths that our diverse population brings.

The Plan is intended to illuminate the scope of the health equity challenge with compelling data and narrative. It makes the case that health is a basic human right, that health inequity is a moral and financial issue, and that health equity is in everyone’s best interest. It also provides a brief summary of the most pervasive social determinants of health, and it offers examples of programs, policies, and practices that have begun to make a difference in the state’s most vulnerable communities.


New 50 State Survey of Dementia Training Requirements

AUG 24, 2015 | Justice in Aging | SURVEY FINDINGS | VIDEO SUMMARY

With more than 5 million people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, there’s a growing need for robust training standards for health care professionals in the special needs of people with cognitive impairment. These are among the findings of an in-depth 50-state survey of statutes and regulations that Justice in Aging conducted with the support of the Alzheimer’s Association. We looked at dementia training requirements for professionals in a variety of health care and community settings and found wide variation among states in both the amount and the content of required training. We compiled our findings in a five-paper series, Training to Serve People with Dementia: Is our Health Care System Ready?

Paper 1: Issue Overview

Paper 2: A Review of Dementia Training Standards across Health Care Settings

Paper 3: A Review of Dementia Training Standards across Professional Licensure

Paper 4: Dementia Training Standards for First Responders, Protective Services, and Ombuds

Paper 5: Promising Practices-Washington State-A Trailblazer in Dementia Training

So advocates can easily find whether their state has standards in each area, Papers 2 through 4 include detailed tables of state laws and regulations in each category, complete with full citations. We also presented a webinar outlining the major findings of the study and offering an initial roadmap for advocates working to address training gaps. You can view it on our Vimeo channel.


How Consumers Find Information About Prescription Coverage

AUG 19, 2015 | California Healthcare Foundation | REPORT

When shopping for health plans, consumers face many challenges in finding information on prescription drug benefits. Publicly posted formularies are often difficult to navigate due to lack of standardization, may be presented in arcane terminology, provide incomplete and inaccurate information, and frequently are not available in languages other than English. Hidden From View: How Consumers Find Information About Prescription Coverage provides insight into the consumer experience of accessing prescription drug coverage information, pinpoints consumer priorities and preferences for display of relevant benefit information, and identifies opportunities for making benefit information more accessible and easy to comprehend. Consumer input yielded many recommendations for making prescription drug benefit information easier to find and use.


RN Role Reimagined: How Empowering Registered Nurses Can Improve Primary Care

AUG 11, 2015 | California HealthCare Foundation | REPORT

Facing a shortage of primary care physicians and a large increase in patients needing care, safety-net clinics are realizing the full potential of using the nursing workforce to better deliver care.


In or Out: An Examination of Medicaid's Coverage Determination Policies

AUG 2015 | California Healthcare Foundation | REPORT

How do state Medicaid agencies decide what to cover? Medicaid, the largest US purchaser of health services, plays a big role in whether millions of Americans can get new health care interventions. A new CHCF report reviews how Medicaid and other large public health insurance programs in the US and abroad determine coverage for specific treatments (e.g., procedures, therapies, technologies, and devices), including behavior change interventions and emerging technologies.

The report highlights themes from research and interviews with select state Medicaid agencies and discusses policies and procedures for achieving greater rigor and transparency in this decisionmaking process.


Planning for California's Growing Senior Population

AUG 2015 | Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | REPORT

California’s senior population is entering a period of rapid growth. By 2030, as the Baby Boom generation reaches retirement age, the over-65 population will grow by four million people. It will also become much more racially and ethnically diverse, with the fastest growth among Latinos and Asians. Many more seniors are likely to be single and/or childless -- suggesting an increased number of people living alone. All of these changes will have a significant impact on senior support services.


As California Ages, Will There Be Enough Beds and Services?

New Reports Explore Health Service Capacity
AUG 2015 | California Health Care Almanac from the California Healthcare Foundation (CHCF) | Reports: Beds for Boomers | California Hospitals: An Evolving Environment

With the aging of the baby boomer generation and gains in life expectancy, California's senior population is projected to more than double by 2040. Because seniors use more health care services than other age groups, there are concerns about the capacity of the health care system to accommodate their needs. Two new publications from CHCF's California Health Care Almanac examine supply and demand from different perspectives.

Beds for Boomers: Will California's Supply of Services Meet Senior Demand? focuses on the projected need for services.

California Hospitals: An Evolving Environment focuses on the existing supply of various types of beds in general acute care hospitals.

Note that the statistics between the two reports may differ due to the sets of hospitals covered. These reports are published as part of the CHCF California Health Care Almanac, an online clearinghouse for key data and analysis examining California's health care marketplace. Find all Almanac reports at


The Dual Eligible Demonstrations at Five: Justice in Aging Toolkit on Design and Implementation

JUL 28, 2015 | Justice in Aging | Outreach and Enrollment Materials in States Implementing a Demonstration

On Thursday, we’ll celebrate the 50th anniversary of the day that two of the most successful anti-poverty programs became law: Medicare and Medicaid. Today, over 10 million low-income individuals, known as dual eligibles, receive care and services under both programs. In 2010, under a provision of The Affordable Care Act (Pub. Law 111-148, Section 2602), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) created a new office to focus exclusively coordinating the two programs. The new entity, the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office, began working with states across the country to better align Medicare and Medicaid benefits through state-run dual eligible demonstrations.

Five years later, states and CMS are in the early stages of evaluating the demonstrations and also looking at mid-course corrections and improvements based on experiences to-date. At the same time, advocates and policymakers are contemplating future health care delivery system reforms, as part of a broader reform effort to pay for value and outcomes, instead of volume.

To contribute to these efforts, Justice in Aging has created a toolkit of design and implementation resources. The toolkit consists of:

A new tool for advocates comparing different state outreach and enrollment materials to highlight effective models to use when reaching vulnerable populations. The new tool includes two appendices: Appendix 1, a working chart with links to outreach materials in different states. Appendix 2, accessible from the Outreach and Notices tab on this page, includes examples of notices currently in use in states, and our comments on strengths and areas of improvement.

Resources on appeals procedures, designing enrollment notices, care continuity, and ensuring consumer protections in integrated models. These resources were developed earlier by Justice in Aging to influence the demonstration’s design to ensure consumer protections were a focus of new managed care delivery systems. They are assembled together for the toolkit and linked from this page.


20 Common Nursing Home Problems and How to Resolve Them

JUL 2015 | Justice in Aging | Request REPORT (Free)

Can a nursing home deny needed therapy services? Evict a resident for being “difficult”? Limit family members and friends to specified “visiting hours”? Many common nursing home practices are, in fact, illegal. In order to receive the best possible quality of care, a resident or resident’s family member should be familiar with the protections of the federal Nursing Home Reform Law, and understand how to use the law effectively. That’s why Justice in Aging wrote a practical and widely-used consumer guide, 20 Common Nursing Home Problems and How to Resolve Them. The new version is completely updated and boasts a reader-friendly new design.


Valuing the Invaluable: 2015 Update
Undeniable Progress, but Big Gaps Remain

JUL 2015 | AARP Public Policy Institute | REPORT

This report highlights the growing importance of family caregiving on the public policy agenda. It lists key policy developments for family caregivers since the last Valuing the Invaluable report was released in 2011. Finally, the report recommends ways to better recognize and explicitly support caregiving families through public policies, private sector initiatives, and research.


Medi-Cal Versus Employer-Based Coverage: Comparing Access to Care

JUL 2015 | The California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) | REPORT

This report takes a close look at access to care under Medi-Cal for nonelderly adults and children on the eve of ACA implementation. Using data from 2012 and 2013 California Health Interview Surveys (CHIS), the research examines a total of 45 measures (41 on realized and potential access and 4 on health status and health behaviors) for nonelderly adults and 31 measures (28 on realized and potential access and 3 on health status and behaviors) for children.


Report: Stories from LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities

JUN 29, 2015 | Justice in Aging / LGBT Senior Long Term Care Bill of Rights / San Francisco Board of Supervisors | REPORT | ACCOMPANYING VIDEO

We’re proud that our report was the impetus for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors recent unanimous approval of an LGBT Senior Long Term Care Bill of Rights – the very first of its kind in the nation. We hope that other cities use San Francisco’s ordinance as a model to ensure LGBT seniors have the right to be safe and treated with dignity in every long-term care facility. That’s why we’re re-releasing the report now.

As we celebrate the Supreme Court ruling on June 26 for marriage equality for same-sex couples across the nation, we recognize what a huge step this is for LGBT older adults. At the same time, we know that we must remain committed to fighting the discriminatory practices that linger in the system.


Understanding Medi-Cal High-Cost Populations

JUN 9, 2015 | California Healthcare Foundation (CHCF) | Documents/Recording High Utilizers of Medi-Cal Services | Infographic Medi-Cal by the Numbers High-Use High Cost

California's government collects vast amounts of clinical and cost data about the care it provides to the 12 million people enrolled in Medi-Cal, the nation's largest Medicaid program. Aggregating and analyzing this data, which is spread across multiple departments, is a key to understanding the Medi-Cal population, identifying opportunities to improve health care and outcomes, and managing public spending. Document downloads include the following slides:

Understanding Medi-Cal High Utilizers (Kizer and Watkins)

Understanding Medi-Cal High-Cost Populations (Watkins)

Improving Service Delivery for High Need Medicaid Clients in Washington State (Mancuso)

Integrated Care Models and Outcomes for Clients with Co-Morbid Conditions (Innes-Gomberg)

Long-Term Services and Supports: Shaping the Delivery System (Schupp)

Using Data to Improve Care: Perspectives on Long-Term Services and Supports (Steenhausen)

Keynote and Demonstration of Washington State’s Predictive Risk Intelligence System (PRISM) (Mancuso)


ADA at 25: Aging Advocates Celebrate Partnership And Progress

JUN 2015 | Justice in Aging | ISSUE BRIEF

This paper will provide aging advocates with some background on the ADA and outline four key areas where the ADA continues to shape the environment, care, and services for older adults. As aging and disability advocates continue to partner to advance policy, it’s important to remember how much the ADA accomplished in just twenty-five years.


Advocates Guide to California's Coordinated Care Initiative Version 4

JUN 2015 | Justice in Aging | ADVOCATE'S GUIDE, VERSION 4

Justice in Aging created an Advocates Guide to California's Coordinated Care Initiative to help advocates understand the extensive changes occurring under the CCI. Today, Justice in Aging released Version Four of the Guide, which:

Describes the CCI, including populations affected, changes beneficiaries can expect, and where and when the CCI is being implemented

Summarizes CCI policies

Provides advocacy tips and additional resources


Just Like Home: The Impact of the Federal HCBS Regulations on Older Adults

JUN 2015 | Justice in Aging | ISSUE BRIEF

New federal regulations have established first-time standards for when settings qualify as “community-based” for the purposes of Medicaid-funded Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS). Each state is charged with developing a transition plan to meet these standards. These plans will have a huge impact on older adults receiving Medicaid-funded HCBS in assisted living, adult day services, and other settings.

The transition plans must confront and answer many important questions.

What service models are eligible for payment?

Should services in assisted living facilities be covered?

What about adult day care programs?

Does the size of these programs matter?

And should programs be allowed to be “secure”, i.e., locked, if they care for persons with dementia?

Consumers and their advocates must be heard in the states’ transition planning processes. Justice in Aging’s new issue brief provides policy recommendations for consideration by states and stakeholders. The recommendations address (among other things) how to assess settings for compliance, judging whether a setting is integrated with the community, protecting consumers from eviction, and applying the regulations when consumers have dementia.


Regulatory Review of Adult Day Services: Final Report, 2014 Edition

JUN 2015 (Released) | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Assistance Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy | DEC 2014 Report / PDF version

The 2014 Regulatory Review of Adult Day Services by state has been released by the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. This report updates their previous report published in 2005, and is organized into two sections:

Section 1 provides a brief overview of states’ approaches to regulating ADS in selected areas -- the state’s general approach to regulation, inspection and monitoring; parameters for who can be served; required and optional services; provisions regarding medication; and staffing and training requirements.

Section 2 provides a profile for each state that describes its overall approach to regulating ADS providers, selected regulatory provisions, and Medicaid and other public funder requirements (if any).


Preventing Falls: A Guide to Implementing Effective Community-Based Fall Prevention Programs

APR 2015 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | GUIDE

This “how-to” guide is designed for community-based organizations who are interested in implementing their own evidence-based fall prevention programs. This guide is designed to be a practical and useful tool, and it provides guidelines on program planning, development, implementation, and evaluation.

This revision of the 2008 publication, Preventing Falls: How to Develop Community-based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults, will improve your organization’s ability to reach out to the older members of your community as well as enhance your capacity to implement and maintain effective fall prevention programs.


Californians with the Top Chronic Conditions: 11 Million and Counting

APR 2015 | California Healthcare Foundation (CHCF) / UCLA Center for Health Policy Research | REPORT | CHARTS

Chronic conditions are the leading cause of death and disability in the US, and the biggest contributor to health care costs. But there is wide variation in their incidence, with major differences depending on age, income, race and ethnicity, and insurance status. In addition, many Californians with chronic conditions are delaying needed care because of cost. Californians with the Top Chronic Conditions: 11 Million and Counting looks at five major chronic conditions — asthma, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and serious psychological distress — and how each of these affects Californians.


A Right to Person-Centered Care Planning


When people are given the opportunity to choose where, how, and by whom they receive their care; and make their own decisions about their activities of daily living, and generally direct their own lives to the greatest extent possible, they have better health outcomes, more independence, and lead more fulfilling lives. This is at the heart of a concept known as person-centered care planning. With the support of the John A. Hartford Foundation, Justice in Aging released a report on the new Person-Centered Planning rules for Medicaid Recipients in Long Term Care from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

The report, A Right to Person-Centered Care Planning, and an accompanying webinar, summarize the rights the new rule gives to beneficiaries as well as identifying for advocates where there are gaps in the rule and where more guidance is needed. Best practices in the states are also included to serve as models for advocates working to ensure true person-centered care planning is a reality for all.


Medicaid HCBS Settings Regulations and Adult Services

APR 2015 | National Association of State United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) | FINDINGS

Concerned that the CMS definition for HCBS Settings places restrictive requirements on Adult Day Services settings and may reduce the number of available providers in the Medicaid program nationwide, the National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) conducted a survey. Key findings indicate the HCBS regulations may have the unintended consequence of limiting the availability of important health and social services, with the unintended consequence of individuals entering institutional settings.


Issues from the State: Advocating for Improved Consumer Protections in Managed Long-Term Services and Supports

APR 24, 2015 | Justice in Aging, with thanks to The Retirement Research Foundation and The Atlantic Philanthropies for their support in producing this paper | ISSUE BRIEF

State Medicaid programs increasingly are moving their long-term services and supports programs to managed care. But the transition is not without its potential pitfalls for Medicaid beneficiaries and their advocates. A new issue brief spotlights the managed LTSS programs from Florida, Kansas, and New Jersey, and discusses how particular program policies may influence availability of services and the ability of consumers to access those services. The information presented will be of use to advocates from any state with a Medicaid managed care program, and will address both individual and systemic advocacy strategies.


Survey Says: Californians' Perspectives on Health Care

APR 14, 2015 | California Healthcare Foundation (CHCF) | SURVEY FINDINGS | CALIFORNIA HEALTH CARE ALMANAC

Are Californians getting the care they need? This survey shows that some groups are having a more difficult time accessing care than others.

While there is recent good news in terms of expanding health coverage, too many Californians struggle to get access to health care. This is particularly true of those with the greatest need: One in two adults who report they are in fair or poor health have delayed care in the past 12 months due to cost.


Genworth 2015 Annual Cost of Care Study

APR 9, 2015 | Genworth News Release | Cost of Care website

At Home Care Costs Increase in California
The results of Genworth's 12th annual Cost of Care Study shows that in California, the cost to receive long term care services at home with a home health aide has increased over the past five years. On a national level, the survey shows a dramatic increase in facility based care, including assisted living and nursing home facilities, while the cost to receive care at home through a home health aide is rising at a more moderate growth rate.


Thinking Outside the Box: Creative and Culturally Competent Outreach Strategies in Health Care Transitions

MAR 2015 | Justice in Aging & co-authored by Advocates for African American Elders (AAAE) | ISSUE BRIEF

Changes to health care coverage are happening rapidly and can be confusing for advocates to understand and explain to beneficiaries.

This issue brief discusses, in general, the importance of effective outreach and education during any complex health care transition. As a real world example, it focuses on how AAAE’s culturally competent outreach model communicates changes under California’s Coordinated Care Initiative to dual eligible beneficiaries, who are being moved into managed care plans.

The brief offers insight into and instruction on how to communicate changes in a person-centered and engaging manner. It concludes with practical tips for advocates and stakeholders and should be of use to those who are preparing their own communities for complex health care transitions.


New Reports Shine Light on Long-Term Care Problems

FEB 23, 2015 | California Healthline Article

A Shattered System: Reforming Long-Term Care in California | JAN 5, 2015
Envisioning and Implementing an IDEAL Long-Term Care System in California
A Report by the Senate Select Committee on Aging and Long Term Care

Entry and Exit of Workers in Long-Term Care | JAN 20, 2015
UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care, Research Report

Symptom Trends in the Last Year of Life From 1998 to 2010: A Cohort Study | FEB 3, 2015
Annals of Internal Medicine


California Health Insurers: Brink of Change -- A snapshot in time just ahead of ACA implementation

FEB 2015 | California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) | REPORT | INFOGRAPHIC

This report provides a snapshot of the insurance market in California at the end of 2013, just before the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) took effect. It also includes some initial figures from 2014 that point to large shifts in both Medi-Cal and individual coverage levels.


The Universal Assessment Tool: Improving Care for Recipients of Home- and Community-Based Services

JAN 22, 2015 | Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) | REPORT


A Shattered System: Reforming Long-Term Care in California -- Envisioning and Implementing an IDEAL Long-Term Care System in California

JAN 5, 2015 | California State Senate Select Committee on Aging and Long Term Care | REPORT